Thursday, April 16, 2015

Archaeologists Discovers A 300-Year-Old Penis In Poland (Pic)

Well this is a laugh and a half. Archaeologists in Poland have been given a right treat this week, after they discovered a 300-year-old DILDO during an excavation. Proving that women have been getting theirs since the 1700s.
The sex toy is described as having been made from leather and wood (sexy) and filled with bristles (less sexy). And it looks...well, like a dildo.
The eight-inch sexual masterpiece was reportedly found in a latrine, which for those who don't speak basic Latin-derived French, is a toilet. Which doesn't strike us as the most glamorous location for a dildo party but hey, who are we to judge.
Delightfully, a spokesperson for the Regional Office for the Protection of Monuments in Gdansk (where it was found) described the dildo as "quite thick and rather large". Sterling work.
And the rather boastful spokesman even cared to speculate that it was "probably dropped by someone in the toilet...whether that was by accident or on purpose is anyone's guess though."
Despite surviving for 300 years, the dildo isn't looking the most enticing it's probably capable of, but then it was found in a toilet. 
And we are glad to hear it's being treated like the king it most definitely is, and will be tended to by a preservation team. Presumably to make sure it lasts for another 300 years.

What an absolutely precious tale.


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