Monday, September 14, 2015

Study Shows Men Who Go Bald In Their Youth Have A Lower Sperm Count

Just for you to know.....

A new study, published in the journal Dermatologica Sinica, makes the claim that men who lose their hair circa age 30, generally have a lower sperm count. The study sought to look into a very popular urban legend, that bald men are very virile.

What the study found, though, was a correlation in the opposite direction. Doctors carried out a series of tests on men with an average age of 31 and with normal to mild hair loss and moderate to severe hair loss.

They found that men with moderate to severe hair loss had significantly lower sperm counts than those in the normal to mild group, with 20% less volume. Researchers believe hormonal changes associated with the hair loss might have something to do with the body producing less semen.


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