Wednesday, March 9, 2016

HEALTH NUGGET: 15 things Your Doctor Wants You To Know About Your Bra

Your bra could be affecting your health in numerous ways, here's why it is so important to make sure it fits properly...
1. You should be washing them WAY more often
"Every few wears should be sufficient, but it does depend on your activity level," says Lexie Sachs, product analyst at the Good Housekeeping Institute. "For instance, if you're outside on a humid day and end up sweating a lot, you'll want to wash your bra sooner. On the other hand, if you throw a bra on for a couple hours, that might not count as a 'wear.'"
2. You shouldn't wear the same bra two days in a row
This will give the elastic time to re-shape and in turn, offer you better support.

3. You should always wear a sports bra when working out
If you don't wear a bra when exercising the breast skin can stretch from bouncing up and down which is irreversible without surgery.
4. Always get your sports bra fitted separately
Especially if you have larger breasts, a sports bra has to do a very specific job so you need to make sure you have the right fit and support.
5. Always get fitted, full-stop.
An ill-fitting bra can cause a whole host of problems while one that supports your breasts properly will be more comfortable and give you confidence. 
6. A bra that fits properly shouldn't give you any back or neck pain
If your breasts aren't properly supported then your back and neck muscles are going to be picking up the strain. Get fitted by an expert and they will make sure the weight of your breasts is taken in the right place.
7. Bras that are too big can cause skin irritation
If bras aren't tight enough the friction of them moving around next to your skin can cause irritation.
8. A supportive bra could stop your headaches
If your breasts aren't supported enough it can cause your back and neck muscles to work harder. As soon as the neck muscles become overworked, you are far more likely to get headaches
 9. They can affect your digestion
The British School of Osteopathy has found a link between digestive problems and ill-fitting bras. Jon-Morton Bell told The Independent: "All nerve roots come from the back; stomach upsets and fatigue are common by-products of bad back health. If ladies have a proper bra-fitting, back problems are often resolved."
10. There is no proven link between sleeping in a bra and cancer
Some claim that sleeping in a bra can heighten the risk of breast cancer but this has never been scientifically proven. 
 11. Sleeping in a bra doesn't necessarily stop sagging
Sagging or changes in the breast are due to a number of factors: pregnancy and breastfeeding being the most common causes, along with time and gravity."
A cosmetic surgeon “Angelica Kouvani” added that "Wearing a bra in bed can offer comfort while sleeping but does not help protect against drooping. Wearing a bra while standing and moving can battle ptosis but the processes that cause drooping aren't in play while supine."
12. Sleeping in a bra may prevent stretch marks
"Bigger breasts can drag and want to go sideways when you are lying down", cosmetic surgeon Douglas McGeorge tells. "This can pull the skin and contribute to stretch marks. Wearing a bra to sleep in may slow the ageing process down very slightly in this instance."
13. If you are going to sleep in a bra, steer clear of synthetic fibres
Your breasts operate best at a cooler temperature to the rest of your body and wearing a bra at night time can raise this, causing you to sweat more. Go for natural fabrics that will be cooler and allow your skin to breathe.
14. Never hang onto a bra for too long
Once the elastic in the back of the bra has been stretched, it will no longer be supportive. If you own a number of bras and rotate them regularly you will be able to hold onto them for longer.
15. Your breasts change during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Wait about a month after finishing breast-feeding before you get measured for a new bra.


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