Thursday, March 5, 2015

Chatham House Hosts Aviation Minister

Nigeria’s Aviation Minister Osita Chidoka was hosted on Tuesday, 3rd March by the leadership of Chatham House’s Africa Programme, including the Head of the programme, Dr. Alex Vines.

Minister Chidoka met with Chatham House to discuss President Goodluck Jonathan’s full commitment to democracy, peace, and security in Nigeria. He also emphasized the Peoples Democratic Party’s (PDP) strong history of upholding democratic principles.
Chidoka insisted that every effort must be made to replicate the same model of free and fair election that the world witnessed with President Jonathan’s 2011 victory.
“The discussion with Chatham House was very positive,” said Mr. Chidoka. “We reviewed the facts at hand leading up to the presidential election in Nigeria. The Nigerian people are being given a choice between President Jonathan, a democrat by instinct and record, and his opponent, ‘reformed’ democrat. This is a critical distinction.”
Additionally, while in London, Chidoka gave interviews to BBC’s HARD talk, The Guardian, The Independent, The Times, Sky News, NBC News, BuzzFeed, and Voice of America.

It will be recalled that the presidential candidate of the All Progressive Congress APC Gen. Muhammadu Buhari was at Chatham house last week Thursday to discuss his plans for Nigeria and reassure the country that he was fit enough to rule.

culled from


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