Thursday, March 26, 2015

African Man superglues his wife's vagina together after accusing her of cheating

Reports have emerged from Mpumalanga in Africa, where a woman says she can never have sex again after her husband poured superglue into her vagina after accusing her of cheating on him.
The unnamed man accused his wife of having had an affair with her own uncle, and reportedly told her he was going to "teach her a lesson" because of it.
The victim, who is also unnamed, describes her husband as "an abusive man", but his behaviour "spiralled out of control" in the lead up to this incident, where he's said to have used superglue to stick her labia together.
According to the woman, her husband got out his panga (a bladed tool, a bit like a machete) and ordered her to lie down and take off her clothes, or else he would cut off her head. 
Chillingly, the victim told how "he had previously tried to chop off my hand with the panga but I managed to escape. This time I could not escape."
She then described exactly what he did to her:
"He ordered me to lie down and open my legs. He then took out super glue and applied it on my vagina while I looked at him with horror and tears streaming down my face. I do not know what would make a man who loves a woman do that to her."

Since the horrific attack, her husband has fled, but she is still terrified that he "might come back anytime and remove my head".
Following the brutal actions he took against his wife, she has been in severe pain every time she urinates, and is also unable to have sex again due to the pain from the scars she'll have for life.

What an awful, awful story.
Culled: cosmopolitan


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