Monday, March 23, 2015

Powdered Alcohol to be sold soon

It's hard to fathom how a man woke up one morning, thinking: 'you know what the world's been missing all this time? Alcohol in powder form'. Soon you can get your hands on some Palcohol  or powdered alcohol, for those who don't know. The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau has approved Palcohol for sale. However, spokesman Tom Hogue said despite approval at the federal level, the product is still subject to state regulations. Lipsmark, the company which makes Palcohol said it aims to get it on the market by the summer.

 But clearing state hurdles could be tough. Alaska has already prohibited it, and six other states have taken regulatory action against it, including Louisiana, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Vermont and Virginia. And Senator Charles Schumer from New York on Thursday introduced a bill against powdered alcohol. "I am in total disbelief that our federal government has approved such an obviously dangerous product," said Schumer, in a statement. "Congress must take matters into its own hands and make powered alcohol illegal."


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