Monday, March 9, 2015

REMINDER...What To Do On Election Day

The 28th of March is an important day for Nigerians. Essential information on elections that everybody needs to know.
Here are the vital steps you need to take in order to cast your vote after the cut:

1. Before the election day all Nigerian citizens able to vote need to go to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) website to locate their polling unit. Afterwards, go to that polling unit to register. There, your details will be noted and your picture taken. You will be given a Voter ID. Now you are able to vote on election day.
2. On election day go to the polling unit where you registered. Don’t forget your Voter ID. Present your Voter ID to the INEC officials and make sure that your correct name has been registered. Then your finger will be marked with ink to show that you have been accredited.
3. Join the queue. When it is your turn, be sure your name is ticked in the voter register. Get your ballot paper with all candidates listed. Go into the booth and make your choice. The voting is performed with your fingerprint. Put your ballot into the ballot box.



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