Tuesday, April 21, 2015

World's smallest working gun is shorter than a matchstick (Pics)

These images show the world's smallest working gun - which is shorter than a matchstick and fires purpose-made bullets just 2.34mm in diameter. Created by artist Paul Erard in the Swiss city of La Chaux-de-Fonds, the petite pistol measures just two inches long but fires with one joule of power. The gun currently holds the Guinness World Record for the smallest working revolver, and the bullets it fires - which were designed specifically for the gun by Mr Erard - also appears in the book as the tiniest live ammunition ever created.

Looking like something fit for James Bond, the petite pistol measures only two inches long. With a height of just 1.3 inches and only 0.3 inches wide, the gun could easily be hidden up 007's sleeve.

The mini-revolver can be made to order in solid gold - with each one costing a staggering £300,000 to manufacturer, although former watch-maker Mr Erard is selling them for just £4,500 a piece.

Weighing in at just 0.6 ounces, each gram of the tiny gun will cost the aspiring owner £230. 
The specially-made ammunition was also invented by Mr Erand and has an internal diameter of just 2.34 mm calibre - making them the smallest bullets ever invented. Speaking of his invention, Mr Erard said: 'Each gun has one joule of power, which is a tenth of the power of the average air rifle.'

'Each gun takes three months to make from order to production', the 69-year-old added.

Although the fully-functioning pistol was designed to be a piece of art, potential owners will require a gun licence to buy one and special export licences if they want to take it out of Switzerland. This means that despite being smaller than a matchstick, the weapon is treated as a deadly weapon under European law.


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