Thursday, May 7, 2015

Photos: Prince Harry wins over young student fans and even gave their lucky teacher a hug

It seems Prince Harry has truly established himself as 'King of the Kids' after using his charisma and charm to win over the young children who lined the steps of the Opera House during his public appearance on Thursday.

While hundreds had flocked to the Australian landmark to see the Prince flash his royal smile, Harry made sure he didn't neglect his younger fans, particularly a group of school children from St Marys South Primary School who got a private chat with the young royal.  

The group of year one, two and three students were in the city for an excursion when, just by chance, they were given the rare opportunity to meet a member of the monarchy. They were invited to sit, away from the cheering crowds, on the steps of the Opera House steps to wait for their private moment with the Prince.

The children laughed excitedly as Prince Harry told jokes and asked the school children questions. The young kids were captivated by the Prince who spent around five minutes chatting with them.  The children's teacher, Megan Loader, shocked jealous onlookers holding 'Marry me Harry' signs, as she was invited down to rub shoulders with the charming Prince.

The Prince continued on, navigating through the crowds with ease, stopping for photos and to chat briefly with his adoring fans. Harry showcased his people skills as he coaxed a smile from even the shyest of children.

The prince is winding up his month-long attachment with the Australian Defence Force and will head to New Zealand this weekend. 

See more pictures of the prince and the school children bellow....


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