Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Pregnant Kim Kardashian & Kanye West Expecting Twins?

Reports indicate that despite their troubles to conceive a second child, Mr and Mrs West might have gotten more than they bargained for.

Kim Kardashian recently revealed that she’s pregnant with her second child, to much public delight. What she did not reveal, is that she might be carrying twins; and she had her reasons.
According to NY Daily News:

“Kim has told a handful of people that she had in vitro and that two eggs were fertilized. She is waiting to see if they both ‘stick’ before she makes any kind of announcement,” says our source. “She has to wait and see if they are both OK. And she is waiting to get an OK from her doctor that both the fertilized eggs are healthy.”

We’re told the only people who know that Kim is carrying twins are her mom, sisters and husband Kanye West. It is uncertain if both embryos will be viable for a full pregnancy, and Kim, 34, is waiting it out to see”

So the chance is there, but they don’t want to ‘jinx it’, I guess. But considering Kim has always made noises about how she would love to have a big family, this should delight her so much. May be Kanye would too.


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