Thursday, July 2, 2015

Mozambique Legalizes Gay Marriage

Mozambique has ceased to treat homosexuality as criminal offence in its penal code at a time where other African countries are tightening anti-gay laws, the BBC reports.
This is following United States of America’s Supreme Court legalization of same-sex marriage.

Mozambique now adds to African countries like South Africa, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ivory Coast where gay and lesbian relationships are legal.

The reviewed code which came into force on Wednesday, July 1, 2015 drops a colonial-era clause inherited from the country’s colonial power – Portugal – criminalizing “vices against nature”. Even though there were no trials under that clause, human rights activists in Mozambique have said this change is a symbolic victory.

According to Mozambican rights activists, this change in their country could have an impact on other African countries to look at their old laws.


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