Monday, January 11, 2016

HEALTH NUGGET: How You Can Prevent Lassa Fever.

With the recent confirmed cases of Lassa fever in some parts of Nigeria, it is necessary to remind Nigerians that exposure to infected rats (belonging to the Mastomys species) is the primary source of infection to the disease. Rats are a nuisance, destructive to assets and a threat to human health.  According to experts, rats thrive on the availability of food and food waste and seek environments conducive for breeding  
 Offices or residential premises where food is not properly stored, where food waste is not sanitarily disposed of and where littered (inaccessible) areas exist fulfil the conditions required for rats to thrive. Rats are naturally attracted to such environments in search of food and shelter.

To prevent rats from entering offices and homes, we need to deny them food and shelter. Good sanitation and housekeeping are the best deterrents. Where the presence of rats is already confirmed, poisonous baits can be used to control rat infestation. However, some of the poisons must be ingested by the rats over a number of days to have the desired impact and extreme care must be taken to avoid contact by humans (especially children) or non-target animals such as pets.

I wish to remind you of the following control measures:

1. Avoid eating at your work stations /desks.
2. Do not leave leftover food, food wrappers, unwanted fruits, nuts and vegetables around offices and homes.
3. Keep refuse in bins and ensure the contents are emptied daily.            
4. Use tightly covered bins and avoid over-filling refuse bins before final disposal.
5. Block all visible holes and other likely access routes for rats into your home.                                                                                 
Generally prevent the presence of rats or other rodents in your Environment. 


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