Monday, May 9, 2016

5 Weird Things Women Find Sexy That Men Don't Know

I talked to a few ladies and I was shocked with the things some told me: Women love weird things. Well, I come with the gospel about silent, unexpected things that women like about their men. They have safely tucked these things in their hearts because they find them sexy in a way. They may have unexpectedly attracted your lady to you as a man or better, are the only things keeping her around you.

Men’s smell
Talk of all expensive perfumes and colognes. Yeah, they work for most women.  But, your own body odor is the real deal. Your woman could be in love with your scent and you don’t even know it. According to research, this body odor is a thing among women. American researchers tell us that a man's natural scent can turn a woman on in a matter of seconds! I'l stop here.

Dancing and moving with the rhythm
If you can dance, then trust me, she loves you for that. Women love to see their men dance. If you can’t dance bro, please, do something.  Whether its dirty dancing, or ballet, or simply close-contact dancing, find a way of doing it. If she sees you ‘Skelewuing’, she will not hesitate joining you. They are attracted to such simple, yet important things.
Spilling your secrets
Men have a problem with that. They keep things from their women, instead they choose to drink over it or better, tell it to their friends. Here is the news: When you tell your woman about your secrets, trust me, the confidence she has on you grows.  She will see the sexiness that comes with it. So don’t think she will find your weak rather it’s the other way round, but be careful what you tell her.
Your manners
Are you a disciplined chap or are you all over the place leaving careless marks? Women will note how you respond to a waiter in a restaurant, how you talk to the that cab driver. They may not tell you this, but playing it cool, when you should, definitely keeps her around. She gets chills, knowing that she has someone who is caring and sensitive enough. Being decent is something women are attracted to. Roughness has a place to some women, but not as much as decency for real women. 
Playing games with you
Yes this is so romantic to most ladies, i have met many couples who's bond firmed up from playing together. this could range from playing video games, table games like chess and scrabble and even pillow fight. It is also a big one for them if you have things to do with her in the kitchen and some rough play ensue.


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