Saturday, August 27, 2016

Chidi Lloyd Makes Heavy Accusations Against Felix Obuah In A Daring Press Release

My attention has been drawn to a release by one self styled pastor Jerry Nedam on behalf of another clown Felix Obuah asking me to come out hiding and face criminal trial.It is important to state that i Dr.Chidi Lloyd is not hiding and will urge Obuah and his cohorts to come to my house and take me to their supermarket for trial.
The said trial in it self,is an excercise in futility.If i ever hid at all,it will only be for the fear of been killed by Felix Obuah and his nest of killers as the list of those he has killed especially in onelga.
For your information,your day of reckoning is near.Those spurious orders from your supermarket will not shield you from prosecution in the international criminal court for the heinous crimes committed against humanity that can only be likened to the Rwandan genocide of the Tutsis and Hutus.
Obuah,each time i see you,i see an inmate in a prison in the Hague due to violations of customary international law as these are just cogens that can't be derogated from.prepare for your trial is nay.
As for the Tai election results,cry no more for the arrow has left the bow.

Chidi Lloyd,PHD.


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