Friday, February 27, 2015

Nikolai's Top 3: Reasons To Stop Being An 'Amebo'

For those wondering what ‘amebo’ is, it is a word used to describe a person who delights in EXTREMELY idle talk.
It also means someone who concerns his or herself with other people’s affairs or goes about causing havoc by spreading false or private information.

A lot of times, you are unaware of when you behave like an amebo. There is nothing wrong with being a little too inquisitive every once in a while, because by nature you constantly have the urge to keep on learning.
On other occasions, you do it intentionally without worrying about who or what you could potentially harm. This is when you are forcefully being intrusive and just don’t care about the outcome of your actions.
If you don’t know, know today that it is a shameful thing to be known as an ‘amebo’, especially when you embrace the title by living up to society’s expectations. This is a special message for the amebos out there. Una know yourselves!
1. It’s not a good trait
Of all the behaviours to adopt, you have purposely gone and chosen this one and it is doing you no favours. Trust me! You find it hard to mind you’re own business because you are too busy seeking the latest gist for your ears to absorb. Next thing you know, you will be spreading the information like common cold season has hit. What one has to remember, is that our behaviour reflects our personality. What you put out to the public is what you’re going to receive. If you choose to be an amebo, it will come to bite you in the back. It’s funny how the same way you go around as a gossipmonger, is the same way others will eventually talk about you (including those you shared rumours with). Nothing positive can yield from having such a character.
2. You are an ajayi worker with no payment
Why nah? Why are you like this? You basically like to be shady and act as if you’re not in the wrong. A lot of people won’t directly tell you about your bad behaviour because they take you as their informant and are hungry for a good tittle-tattle. So, you believe you would be doing them an injustice if you didn’t poke your nose in affairs and always have the latest ‘hot topic’ on the tip of your tongue. It’s one thing to discuss a matter or issue at hand, but another when you know you’re practically begging to assassinate another person’s character and occurrences with your inappropriate comments. I believe it would be best for you to just become a psychologist. That way you can offer your FULL opinions/thoughts and actually get paid for it!
3. You could be battling a personal issue and not even realize it
If what I’m talking about sounds like you, I want you to take sometime to evaluate yourself. Evaluate your current situation; your lifestyle, conduct and your relationships. Are you really happy with who you are, what you’re doing and the people you surround yourself with, or are you putting up a front to create a fake picture of your reality for everyone to see. You ‘literally’ have to think before you talk. Is what you’re saying actually relevant/ helpful to the situation at hand or are you just talking to bring unnecessary attention your way? Sometimes we feel the urge to take out our pain and anger on others without realising the destruction we can cause with our mouth.


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