Friday, March 6, 2015

Harrison Ford Crashes Plane, Suffers Serious Injuries

Harrison Ford was behind the controls of a small airplane that crash-landed on a Los Angeles golf course yesterday.
But the actor thankfully survived.
Ford was piloting what appears to be a vintage two-seater fighter plane earlier yesterday when something went amiss and he plummeted to the grounds of Penmar golf course in Venice, California.

After a pair of doctors playing on the course responded to the scene, emergency personnel soon arrived and Ford was transported to a local hospital.
It is believed the star suffered numerous gashes to his head and was bleeding at the time of the accident. He was the only person inside the plane.
Ford, 72, is a longtime aviator. He has flown a number of planes and helicopters  and he has crashed on multiple occasions in the past.
But Santa Monica Fire Department has confirmed that Ford remained conscious and alert throughout the ordeal. He may have broken his leg and is now in serious condition.


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