Friday, May 22, 2015

Ugandan Pop Singer-Jemimah Kansiime Facing Jail Due Pornographic Music Video

This is the country where women in miniskirts are sometimes abused by men without any repercussions, so seems to me they have a problem with women who fail to conform to their expectations.

21 year old Ugandan pop singer Jemimah Kansiime, who performs under the stage name ‘Panadol wa Basajja’ (Medicine for Men), is facing up to ten years in jail due to the content of a music video she made which is being described as pornography.

Uganda ratified an anti-pornography law last year which human rights groups railed against, because of its loosely defined definition for pornography and which is now being used to hunt this singer down.

Jemimah has been arrested and already spent five weeks in jail before she could post bail. The video, ‘Ensolio Yange’, has been described by law makers in Uganda as obscene and vulgar and has led to her being charged under the new law.

Her manager Didi Mugisha, who was also arrested, pled guilty and was let off with a fine of 200,000 Ugandan shillings ($67). Jemimah pled not guilty, and would stand trial for ‘wilfully and unlawfully producing, trafficking, importing, selling, and abetting pornography’. She faces up to ten years in jail if convicted.

The video portrays Jemimah in a bikini covered in foam, and whilst it’s pretty risqué, thinking that merits jail is pretty ridiculous.

Something tells me if it was a man appearing with scantily clad ladies in his video probably no action would be taken.


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