Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The World's Heaviest Man Who Weighs Almost 1000 Pounds To Undergo Gastric Bypass Surgery

The world's heaviest man - who weighs in at a staggering 960 lbs - is going for fat reduction surgery tomorrow.  A team of seven staff had to help hoist Andres Moreno out of bed and onto a special reinforced stretcher to transport him from his home in Obregon City to a Guadalajara hospital for the gastric bypass on Wednesday. The 37-year-old had become bed bound over recent years due to his weight and also suffers from a variety of serious illnesses. 

Medics will remove the majority of Moreno's stomach, around 70 per cent, and re-route a lengthy portion of his small intestine at the Mexico Gastric Bypass unit in the Arboledas Hospital.  The procedure is used in morbidly obese patients to reduce meal quantities and the absorption of calories from food in a bid to make them lose weight.

But the surgery poses a real risk to Moreno's life as doctors have rarely carried out such an operation, which must be done under anesthetic, on someone of his size. Surgeon Jose Castañeda admitted his weight even posed a difficulty to equipment such as the operating table which had never carried so much before.

Hope he survives the surgery and develops a healthier relationship with food. Good luck!


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